Africa's largest independent Petroleum Terminal Management Company

Petroleum product storage depots under management

Combined storage capacity (MT) under management

3rd Party Into-Plane Refueling facility in West Africa
TSL Logistics Ltd is Africa’s largest independent Petroleum Terminal Management Company and a leading supply chain management solutions provider. With core competencies in the provision of comprehensive storage and infrastructure development services, we currently operate nine (9) multi-petroleum products terminals in Nigeria and Ghana with a combined tankage capacity of 500,000MT.

Aviation Services
TSL Logistics operates and manages Aviation Storage terminals as well as Aircraft Refuelling Operations from its well equipped facilities in Lagos and Abuja.
We are the first 3rd party Into-Plane (ITP) refuelling company in West Africa, with refuelling operational volumes in excess of One hundred and fifty million (150,000,000) litres of Jet fuel annually.
Our facilities have also had a record of 0% product loss since inception.
Petroleum Terminal Management: Nigeria
TSL Logistics Petroleum product terminal facilities are located in Port Harcourt, Rivers State with storage capacity of 40,000MT. The automated Terminal is equipped with 8-arm loading gantry, dedicated pumps and other equipment that facilitates its processing capacity for over 12,000 trucks and 27 vessels annually.
With an annual throughput volume of 300,000MT, the average loading time for trucks (entry to exit) at the facility is 20 minutes.

TSL Logistics
TSL Logistics Ghana commenced operations in 2014 and has a strategic partnership agreement with the Bulk Oil Storage & Transportation Company (BOST) of Ghana for the upgrade, Management and Maintenance of its Bulk Storage Terminals.
Since the inception of the partnership, TSL Ghana has introduced world class processes for safety and operational activities, reduced product loss from $60m to zero and diversified BOST’s business operations.
TSL Logistics Ghana has also helped increase BOST market share to 90% as well as growing the national strategic reserve stock from 0 to 90 days. The company operates and manages six BOST Storage terminals in Accra, Akosombo, Buipe, Mami Water, Kumasi and Bolgatanga, all in Ghana.